Importance of Cloud Security February 11, 2021 htshosting Post in cloud hosting Cloud Security Cloud security refers to a collection of policies, procedures, controls and technologies that function collaboratively to protect systems, data and infrastructure that is cloud-based. The measures that are related to cloud security are configured for the following- Protecting cloud data Supporting regulatory compliance Protecting the privacy of the customers Setting authentication rules with regard to devices as well as individual users Cloud security can be configured as per the exact requirements of an enterprise. It leads to a reduction in administration overheads as the rules related to cloud security can be configured as well as managed at one place. The way in which the delivery of cloud security takes place, depends on the cloud provider or on the cloud security solutions that are in place. Ideally, the implementation of cloud security processes has to be a joint responsibility of the solution provider and the business owner. To digress, the term “cloud” brings to mind cloud hosting which is a type of web hosting. Web hosting is a service provided by web hosting companies wherein server space along with essential services and technologies are provided to website owners for the purpose of making their websites accessible. Web hosting has many types, such as shared, dedicated, VPS, reseller, WordPress, cloud etc. The “Top Cloud Hosting Company”, the “Best Website Hosting Company” and the “Best Windows Hosting Company” are the terms that are frequently used to refer to website hosting providers that excel in the field of hosting. Benefits of Cloud Security There are numerous benefits of cloud security. One of its important advantages is that with cloud security, protection gets centralized. The various devices and endpoints involved in cloud-based business networks are managed centrally, which enhances traffic analysis as well as web filtering and streamlines network events’ monitoring. Moreover, a centralized management of these entities leads to fewer updates with regard to software and policies. The centralized management that is ensured by cloud security makes it easy to implement disaster recovery plans. Another important advantage of cloud security is the reliability that it offers. Regardless of their location or the device that they are using, users can access safely their data as well as applications that are within the cloud, when effective cloud security measures have been implemented. There is the added benefit of reduction in cost with regard to capital expenditure as well as administrative overheads. Need for Cloud Security With the rise in the number of organizations that are using cloud computing and the increase in the volume of cyber threats, it becomes imperative to implement cloud security measures. There is a growing concern with regard to the governance and the security of the content that is stored on the cloud as well as compliance issues related to such content. Cyber-attacks pose a constant threat to the extremely sensitive business data in terms of unauthorized access to it, its theft, manipulation and eventual loss. This is where cloud security becomes important as it focuses on protecting the crucial data that is stored on the cloud. Moreover, when businesses fail to adhere to practices related to cloud security, it can result in unfavorable compliance violations for such organizations. It is essential to maintain cloud security in order to reap the numerous benefits of cloud computing, such as reduced upfront, administrative and operational costs along with the ease of scaling and enhanced reliability and availability. Essentials of Cloud Security It is evident that cloud security is of paramount importance for businesses that use cloud-based infrastructure. Hence, it is important to acquaint oneself with the best practices that ensure the security of a cloud environment. The specific strategies that are needed to secure an enterprise’s cloud will depend on its cloud usage and requirements. The essential cloud security practices that should be taken care of by any business to keep its cloud environment secure will be mentioned in this section. One of these best practices has to do with data encryption in the cloud. When data is stored in the cloud, it becomes extremely important to ensure that it is protected adequately. Data encryption should be supported by the cloud environment for data that is moving to and from the cloud. Another important practice is to manage access control. Unauthorized access to the data that is stored in the cloud needs to be curtailed. Access control policies need to be implemented for this purpose. These policies allow the management of the users that attempt to access a particular cloud environment. It enables the assignment of specific rights to different users with regard to access to the cloud. A practice that is a must to ensure cloud security is to monitor constantly the cloud environment for security threats and perform penetration tests regularly. This proactive measure aids in discovering hidden malware and take the most appropriate steps to remove such malware. Carrying out regular penetration tests helps to find security gaps in a cloud infrastructure. These gaps needs to be tracked down and closed to get rid of those vulnerabilities that threaten the security of a cloud environment. Special attention needs to be paid when forming, implementing and following cloud data deletion policies. Its importance cannot be overemphasized in the event that an organization needs to delete a certain client’s data when it is not required or when an enterprise decides to either migrate to a new cloud provider or revert to an on premise architecture. There could be various situations that would require deletion of data from a cloud environment. Hence, it is vital to establish policies with regard to data deletion that ensure its safe removal. Last but not the least it needs to be understood that both, the cloud vendor and the service user, are responsible for ensuring cloud security and that each should be aware of its share of responsibilities with regard to maintaining cloud security. Conclusion As more and more companies are using cloud storage and processing, greater emphasis needs to be placed on its security to avail the benefits of cloud and avert the threats to it. This can be accomplished to a significant extent by following the best practices with regard to cloud security.