SSH & Basic Commands to Handle VPS

SSH (Secure Shell) protocol uses encryption to secure connection between client and a server. User authentication, file transfers, output, and commands are encrypted to protect against cyber-attacks across the network. SSH a secure channel that connects SSH clients with a server. SSH has two major versions SSH-1 and SSH-2. The standard SSH port is 22. SSH is generally used to excess Unix OS. But it can also be used to excess Microsoft Windows. Latest OS Windows 10 uses OpenSSH client as default. SSH was designed to replace Telnet and other unsecured remote shell protocols. Such as Berkeley rsh and rexec protocols. These protocols are very unsecure as they send sensitive information such as passwords in plaintext. The attacker could see passwords while analyzing data packets.

SSH uses public-key cryptography to authenticate the remote computer and after authentication, it allows to connect. There are several other ways to connect SSH. One is to automatically generate public-private key pairs to encrypt network connections and use a password to authenticate. Another way is to manually generate public-private key pairs to perform authentication. This allows users to log without having specific passwords. In this scenario, any user can produce a matching pair of public and private keys. The public key is stored on all computers that allow access to the owner of the matching private key. While authentication is based on a private key. Key is never transferred via the network during authentication. SSH only verifies the same person that offers a public key, matching private key. In every version, SSH is important to authenticate the public key. It is important to verify unknown public key before accepting. Without validation, it could be probably the attacker’s public key.

Top SSH Clients: –

  • SolarPuTTYPuTTY

  • SecureCRT

  • SmarTTY

  • mRemoteNG

  • MobaXterm

Common Usage of SSH protocol: –

  • Mostly SSH is used in corporate networks.

  • To provide secure access in automation processes and to users.

  • Fast, automated and interactive file transfers

  • Execute remote commands

  • Manage network infrastructure and critical system components.

Enabling SSH: –

To create a SSH connection client and server component both need to be installed on a local and remote machine. There are many open-source SSH tools that are widely used in Linux distribution. OpenSSH is very easy. It requires access to the terminal on the server and the computer that use for connecting.

Opening SSH in Linux: –

  • Open terminal in server machine. You can search terminal or press keys – CTRL+ALT+T on the keyboard.

  • Type SSH localhost and press enter.

For checking if the service is running or not: –

  • Type sudo service ssh status

  • Then type ssh localhost and now you can accept SSH connections.

Commands to handle VPS: –

  • Command – top

The top is used to see all running processes.

  • Command – ps

Ps is similar to the top it shows the list of running processes.

  • Command – kill -9

Kill is used to server process by using PID

  • Command – free

Free is used to view data in physical memory

  • Command – df

Df is used to list server partitions.

  • Command – w

W is used to list users connected with the server

W is used to list users connected with the server

Cd is used to navigate to directories.

  • Command – mkdir

Mkdir is used to create directories.

  • Command – cp

Cp is used to copy directories.

  • Command – ls

Ls is used to list content in the present directory.

  • Command – rm

Rm is used to remove files

  • Command – mv

Mv is used to move files and directories.

  • Command – chmod

Chmod is used to change the permission of files and folders.

  • Command – tar

Tar is used to compress/ decompress files.

Above are the common commands used in every Linux distribution.

Conclusion: –

Thus, SSH is really helpful to connect users to VPS by using different modes. For the best affordable SSH. Connect with HTS Hosting provides the best Windows shared hosting, Linux shared web hosting, Linux dedicated server, and other web hosting plans.

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